DECA spirit award

Tyler Holbert

DECA received the spirit award at this year’s Area 9 competition. “It is an award given to the DECA chapter in Area 9 who shows the most “Spirit”! This includes almost everything you as a chapter does,” said Shawn Perez, the DECA Adviser. Heritage has a lot of school spirit and this award really shows how spirited our school is.

The DECA club worked really hard this year and was really proud and happy when they were presented with the award. “The chapter president senior Hanna Terry will give me feedback on the newsletter, and then I will reward a point to them! You can create a Facebook, have your students submit member of the month awards and others.” said Perez


Anna Tomlinson
News Editor

This year’s FBLA Regional competition took place in Longview where twenty-five Heritage students qualified for state. With seven first place, and thirty-one awards overall, the participants were certainly on a roll.

FBLA competitors prepare for their futures through the rigorous preparation of their displays and presentations, which, once at the competition, bring adrenaline rushes and anticipation. Everyone in attendance was anxious to see the final results in the hopes of moving on to the state competition on April 11 in Seattle.

Senior and FBLA President, Matthew Nicholas placed in all six of his events, qualifying for state where he will compete in three additional events. Aside from his personal events, each requiring varying degrees of preparation, he agreed that the team performed great. “We did extremely well. Most of the chapter placed in something. In some events, Heritage scored across the board,” said Nicholas, referring to Global Business where Heritage placed first, second, third, and fifth, all qualifying for state.

FBLA members all over the country have the ultimate desire to make it to Nationals, but the many friends that are made, and the experience that is gained in doing so is what many cherish most. According to Nicholas, FBLA is, “A great way to show your skills and prepare you for your future.”

Student College Acceptance Letters

By: Amanda Holloway
Advertisement Manager

Seniors have been busy filling out college applications for their lives after high school. Some students fill out multiple applications in case they are denied their number one choice.

Many seniors have gotten letters back that read “Congratulations, you have been accepted!” That’s when the excitement begins. A few seniors mentioned include:

Hannah Terry- Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona
Taylor Shaindlin- University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Lindsey Maedl- Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington
Cherno Sowe- Western Oregon University (Football Scholarship) Monmouth, Oregon
Megan Kunze -Boise State University, Boise, Idaho; Eastern Washington University, Spokane, Washington
Jaren Jacobs- George Fox University (8,000 dollar scholarship) Newburg, Oregon
Miranda Hall- Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Maddy Bennett- Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington
Zach Hall- West Point Military Academy, New York, New York
Alexis Long- Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Samantha Sam- Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

These students studied very hard to gain acceptance from these schools. Jacobs received an 8,000 dollar scholarship to George Fox University. Jacobs wanted to attend this college because they have an excellent engineering program. Jacobs says, “I wanted to go to GFU because they had a really cool engineering program for freshmen. You get to make a pneumatic engine out of aluminum and have competitions to see whose is the fastest.”

Many students have had to settle for their alternative choices in college, but sometimes these schools are the best choice. Terry says, “Grand Canyon wasn’t my first choice, but when I learned more about the school, and found out they were going to give me scholarships in the field I want to study, I knew I needed to go there.”

The few students mentioned out of many who have received acceptance letters are very excited to become college students and receive college educations for their ideal careers.

Online Dating

Marisa Love
Online Editor
It’s always nice to have someone to call yours, someone that makes you feel special and that makes your heart race. Some students have become desperate for this feeling and try to meet people on Facebook. This is an outrage, not only is it desperate but it’s dangerous.

When people date someone over Facebook, often it is long distance and they never meet. Some people can handle long distant relationships but, dating someone you have never met is risky. They could be some old pervert or a serial killer; they could even steal your identity. It’s not as if they are going to tell you if they are old and a pervert. They are going to say that they are your age and probably some cheesy pick up lines to draw you in. Most people that choose to date someone they don’t know are desperate and will fall for practically anything.

Other than the dangers in dating someone you haven’t met, it’s simply unrealistic. The feelings that people are so desperate to feel, aren’t usually there. It seems as if when dating people you haven’t met, most people try to rush it. They say I love you after just days, before they truly know the other person. Which they might never know; you can never really know someone if you never get the opportunity to meet them.

When you meet someone it’s different then over text message or over Facebook, their true colors shine. You get a feeling of their personality, if they are funny, nice, mean, outgoing, sweet etc. These are things you might not otherwise be able to tell just through messaging.

A great thing about being in a relationship is the feeling you get when you see the other person, and when you hold their hand and hug them. It’s an irreplaceable feeling that you will never get from some stranger you meet on Facebook. You will never be able to trust someone you meet on Facebook; they could have 10 other face book relationships. They could have a real life girlfriend and just want some extra attention from you, and you will never know.

So the next time some stranger tries to add you or talk to you on Facebook, delete them, or ignore them. You never know who they could be, even if they are decent, Facebook relationships are never good. They never work and they are dangerous.

Earth Hour

By Ashley Davis
Opinion Editor
Earth hour is the annual event that is happening this year on March 31. It is considered the world’s largest single campaign for the planet. On this day everyone is asked to turn off their lights for one hour, at 8:30 pm. The point of earth hour is to unite everyone in taking steps toward change and towards a better planet.

Across the world we are running out of resources. We are depleting the world of animals, forests, energy and water. Because of this, the climate is changing and things are heading into a dark path. Earth hour is one way anyone can be a part of a collective step towards preserving what we still have left.

Everyone should participate in Earth hour. It is one day, for one hour, and will make a huge difference. Some people may argue that turning off all of their lights for one hour, is not going to make any difference. That’s like saying your vote doesn’t count. One individual cannot make the changes we need to see on their own, but several individuals working together, is what we need to see in order to see a change. If one person doesn’t participate, that’s one less link in our chain to help save the only thing that is keeping us alive. As the WWF website says, “It’s about giving people a voice and working together to create a better future for our planet.”

To be a part of this movement you can visit and pledge your support by signing up to participate. If you do not sign up, of course you can still participate by turning off all of your non essential lights at 8:30 pm, on March 31st.
Be a part of this movement, and show the world you care.

Earth Hour

By Ashley Davis
Opinion Editor
Earth hour is the annual event that is happening this year on March 31. It is considered the world’s largest single campaign for the planet. On this day everyone is asked to turn off their lights for one hour, at 8:30 pm. The point of earth hour is to unite everyone in taking steps toward change and towards a better planet.

Across the world we are running out of resources. We are depleting the world of animals, forests, energy and water. Because of this, the climate is changing and things are heading into a dark path. Earth hour is one way anyone can be a part of a collective step towards preserving what we still have left.

Everyone should participate in Earth hour. It is one day, for one hour, and will make a huge difference. Some people may argue that turning off all of their lights for one hour, is not going to make any difference. That’s like saying your vote doesn’t count. One individual cannot make the changes we need to see on their own, but several individuals working together, is what we need to see in order to see a change. If one person doesn’t participate, that’s one less link in our chain to help save the only thing that is keeping us alive. As the WWF website says, “It’s about giving people a voice and working together to create a better future for our planet.”

To be a part of this movement you can visit and pledge your support by signing up to participate. If you do not sign up, of course you can still participate by turning off all of your non essential lights at 8:30 pm, on March 31st.
Be a part of this movement, and show the world you care.

Kenya Project

By: Kelley King
These are some of the trinkets available for sale from the Kenya Project.
On the left is the Beaded Wood Carving Necklace which costs $12.
On the right is the Wooden Carved Animal which costs $25.

100% of all profits go to a school in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya so that they may afford a solar panel to improve education efficiency.

There are a couple more knickknacks for sale apart from these two. For more information please contact Mr. Berrigan in room 600.

CTE Month Activities

By: Kelley King
February is CTE month; CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. CTE is a group of classes provided at Heritage High School that help provide skills for future careers and can also provide college credits. There many CTE classes under a few different themes. A few of these themes are:

Family & Consumer Science (Child Development)
Child Psychology
Teaching Academy
Family & Consumer Science (Nutrition, Science & Fitness)
Food Science
Foods & Nutrition
Professional Food
Digital Arts
3D Animation
AP Studio Art 2D & 3D
Game Design
Video Production

This was pulled from an article written by Rick Brewer regarding the CTE program. “Career and technical education also has a profound impact in saving the youth that even No Child Left Behind (NCLB) leaves behind.

Each year, tens of thousands of our kids, feeling disconnected and disenfranchised, drop out of school. Politicians and legislators seldom mention these endangered students in their rhetoric. They disappear from the political radar as if they constitute the “dark side” of education. Increased standardized testing and mandates will not likely bring them back. And, if they do not come to school, you cannot teach them.”

“Career and technical education (CTE) offers a major solution for many problems in the US education system. Modern CTE programs not only support and integrate a full range of academics, but they have qualities that give much more meaning and purpose to the education process. Challenging even the most gifted students, CTE gives all students rich educational opportunities, equipping them for the dramatic transition from high school to postsecondary education and career options,” In plain English it is explaining that the CTE program is a good tool that helps students develop skills that will help them in the future. For more information visit the career center, which is a CTE hub.