By Anna Tomlinson
News Editor
iDREAM is a program which takes the Evergreen School District’s commitment to integrating more students onto the path of engineering and other high tech professions to a new level. iDREAM, which stands for Innovative Design, Research, Engineering and Mathematics, involves a freshmen course team of two teachers who combine principles of engineering and integrated algebra and geometry.
Students were required to work in teams constructing bridges from balsa wood. Designs had to be lightweight yet sturdy, and stress levels were tested. The students spent time at Linear Tech in Camas, Wash. touring the company and building ideas for the future.
Another event students competed in was that of creating a potential energy vehicle model, powered by the gravity of a dropping weight with a travel goal of ten meters. The models were tested at the Pearson Air Museum where freshman Rikko Otero took second place in the design category. His model was crafted of a lightweight wood with more pressure on the front end.
Freshman Elena Paliy took first for her engineering notebook accompanying the design. The students had the opportunity to study the historic planes in the museum and take many notes throughout the day.
The Evergreen School District’s determination to improve our students’ experiences both in and outside of the classroom and apply their knowledge to tasks in the field allows the students a higher quality of learning and motivation throughout their high school careers.
Holocaust Survivor
News Editor
Alter Wiener’s presentation of his experience through the Holocaust was both emotional and touching. Students currently taking World History or Sophomore English were in attendance for this once-in-a-lifetime assembly.
Wiener travels all over Washington and Oregon sharing his story, which is also told in his book, “From A Name To A Number”. Wiener’s accounts touched each student in attendance, whose eyes were filled with tears.
Being unable to complete his schooling during his youth, Wiener wished the students luck, and to promise him to stay in school and work hard.
Though his journey was rough, Wiener looks at his life as a learning experience for others. “I am here to share my story so that you can learn from my suffering,” said Wiener.
History teacher Miss. Harris met Mr. Wiener a few years ago. She said, “I was surprised by how much the students wanted him to come”.
His personality radiant and airy, one would never guess his heartbreak. But regardless of how he carries himself, Wiener does not feel as everyone else does, and said, “I am not a normal person, but I pretend to be”.
Did you Donate

By: Amanda Holloway
Business/Ad Manager
On May 3rd Heritage High School held a blood drive by the American Red Cross. This wasn’t just any school blood drive; this was someone’s senior project. Senior Hunter Armstrong was in charge of the project.
190 students signed up to donate blood, but only 120 went through with it. Armstrong said that this was the goal this year was to reach 120 people donating.
The reason why Armstrong chose this project is because all the hospitals in the Clark County have a shortage of blood. In other words, there is a high demand for blood.
“The blood drive went very well, this was a student-lead process not with an adviser” says Armstrong. So the success was all through students, not just advisors. This was a good project and was very successful in the end.
Signing Idol
By: Justine Schoolfield
Circulation Manager
On March 28th both Ms. Cayton and Dr. Crain premiered the 7th annual Signing Idol in the Heritage auditorium. There was a plethora of song choices signed by the first and second year students.
The thirst year students performed a skit on discrimination again deaf people called Audism. Ms. Caytons fifth period, first year signers won first place in their year with their mash-up of songs titled “The Workout of The Decade” and Dr. Crain’s second year, sixth period class won first place in their year with the mash-up of songs titled “Disco Rocks”.
First year soloist first place winner was Katherine Borchers. Both of her sisters, Kelli and Jennifer, also won a soloist place when they were in high school. Second year soloist winner was Spencer Jacoby. With help from the judges, Shane Yerkes (VSA President), Izabella Lewondowski (ASL teacher, Evergreen High School) And Kellie Swindell (Nationally Certified Interpreter/ASL teacher, Prairie High School) they chose the winners of this year’s show. Heritage signers also participated in this year’s So You Think You Can Sign, which Ms. Cayton started back in 2005.
Heritage placed in every category we entered in. First level; Second place, Amber Allen; Third place, Jericah Pinard. Second level; First place, Miranda Cabral. Third level; First place, Tiffany Shaw. Forth level; First place, Jackie Haines. Duo/Small group; Third place. Brittni Atwell and Audrey Thompson.
Mr. Heritage
By: Justine Schoolfield
Circulation Manager
On Wednesday, April 25 2012, the 13th annual Mr. Heritage was put on by our very own FBLA. The show was hosted by seniors Erin Roetker and Kristine Madsen. They provided jokes and facts to keep the crowd entertained while the show was waiting to start. Six contestants participated in the show. Seniors Houston Dillard, Zachary Hall, Cherno Sowe, and Kevin Wiggins, junior Gabe Morales and freshman Ronnie Hester. The boys showed us their sports wear, beach wear, talent, formal wear and followed up with answers from a short Q and A. Taking home the crown was senior Kevin Wiggins.
FBLA State
By: Anna Tomlinson
News Editor
Members of FBLA recently competed in Seattle at the FBLA State Level Competition. Having had such a large number qualify for state, and eighteen students compete, the school was certainly represented in a professional manner.
In the midst of recruiting new FBLA members for the fall, the students’ accounts of the State Competition have been enticing to potential members. While the trip to Seattle was for the competition, the students were able to experience many other opportunities to tour businesses, network, and connect with friends who have been made via FBLA.
Students who placed include: seniors Matthew Nicholas, Erin Roetker, Anna Stice, and Jacob Weathers, junior Tyler Holbert, and sophomore Addison Underwood. Seven other members placed in the top 15, and each competitor deserves a big congratulations.
News “bites”
Staff Accomplishments
Mrs. Blessley
I have a bit of news… One of my ceramics pieces will be in a show in the gallery at the Art Institute of Portland next month. The show is an invitational for secondary Art Educators, and is titled, “What Those Who Teach Can Do.” It’ll be up from April 5-28, and the Artists’ Reception is April 19th in the evening. My piece is a hand thrown plate, with sgraffito carving. Its title is “Kielo,” which means Lily of the Valley in Finnish.
Darcy Haberl, AP Government and Politics, AP Economics and English teacher at Heritage
Darcy was selected to participate in the “Gilder Lehrman Summer Seminar -The Role of the Supreme Court in American History at Stanford University, from July 22 to 28. Selection for this seminar was very competitive. This will deepen her knowledge of American history and offer new ideas to bring back to our students. Twenty-eight teachers were chosen to attend the institute. Those participating will also receive teacher materials that will be an integral part of her seminar experience.
Darlyn Wendlandt, Digital Arts 3D Animation Teacher at Heritage nominated our student Sarah Lyons for the “Women in Technology Competition” in November. Sara Lyons, a Heritage student, was selected from all of the applicants in Oregon and SW Washington by a regional panel of 21 NCWIT judges as the winner of one of the 27 NCWIT Regional Aspiration Awards for 2011-2012. Sara, her teacher Darlyn Wendlandt and our School will be recognized at the awards ceremony.
Gwen Thompson, Chemistry teacher at Heritage received a $7000 grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust of Vancouver, Washington. Eight grants were awarded to support the efforts of outstanding high school science teachers in the Pacific Northwest through the Partners in Science Supplemental Award Program. The primary goal of the program is to provide high school science teachers with opportunities to work at the cutting edge of science, and help develop new inquire-based teaching strategies to encourage more students to pursue careers in science. Gwen’s work will focus on Immunohistochemistry Investigations.
Adam Strong had a short story published in the Rusty Nail Magazine.
Bob Berrigan had a photograph published. Berrigan published a teaching supplement book for Accounting teachers.
Nancy Keller and Linda Lebard both earned National Boards
Bob Berrigan published an Accounting resource book for teachers. Another might be getting added to the Washington FBLA Board of Directors.
Carli Pilcher- Selected for the 1st team cheer squad at University of Hawaii. She is only the second female Heritage student to make a D1 cheer team. Kirsten Swedblom was the first, cheering at the University of Idaho. The University of Hawaii’s cheer team is among the top in the nation.
Heritage High School teacher Darcy Haberl has been
selected to participate in the Gilder Lehrman Summer
Seminar – The Role of the Supreme Court in American
History at Stanford University this July.
Ms. Rotherham retiring
By: Tiarra Baze
Mrs. Rotherham is leaving Heritage at the end of the school year. She has accepted a new position with the Vancouver Public Schools as an Associate Principal at the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics starting next fall.
She has been with the Evergreen Public Schools for 18 years and was one of the original staff members at Heritage. Last year she served as the Dean of Students. When Heritage first opened Rotherham taught drama and English class.
The enthusiasm and passion she brought to drama carried over to her students. The drama program blossommed under her guidance.
“It has been a privilege to work with all of you. I have been regularly humbled by the work of our teachers, classified staff and my administrative mentors,” said Rotherham.
She will be greatly missed by students and staff. “She made a huge contribution I am sad she is leaving but happy for her becuase she is pursuing her passion in art,” said Mrs. Sosky, principal.
Rotherham is involved in Advanced Placement testing and coordinating and serves as one of the administrators who oversees College Career and Technical Education classes (CCTE). Students may see her observing in classrooms with her laptop and walkie-talkie; she is always in contact with her fellow administrators.
We wish her the best of luck at Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, so if you happen to pass her in the hallway make sure you say farewell. Rotherham’s favorite quote regarding education is, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” -William Butler Yeats
Thanks for all that you have done for our school Mrs. Rotherham. You will be missed.