1st year Soloist: Aaron Napivong

2nd Year Soloist: Kimber Krieve

1st Year Class Competition: Ms Cayon’s 2nd Period “Where Is The Love?

2nd Year Class Competition: Mr Crain’s “Like….Ever!”
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Images by LeeAnne Klagge


by Hugo Gonzalez and Cassidy Lucas

[singlepic id=55 w=150 h=150 float=left]You’re sitting at home bored, watching TV, scrolling through the same channels over and over again in a desperate attempt to locate a show worth watching. You fail. What do you do with yourself now? Go in your room and organize your sock drawer by color? No, grab your laptop and see what’s going on in your friends’ life. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, MySpace; these are all great websites to keep up with friends. I for one am a proud promoter of these websites.

I find it to be a great way to keep in touch with friends and family whom you wouldn’t particularly keep in touch that easily with if it wasn’t for these social networking websites. On Facebook, you’re able to have up to 5,000 friends and the capability to create a positive self image of yourself. It gives you the ability to be able to post the things you’re passionate in video, audio, text, or in image form. You can create an anonymous page which allows you to build a group of people with similar passions and or interests and discuss that subject, it’s convenient and great.

I love having the ability to put in my email and chosen password and instantaneously be granted the power to view pictures, and text from my friends and family. I also enjoy being able to freely post whatever I want without having to worry about what someone will say about it. I think that by “friending” a person you may have only just met on Facebook, you get the opportunity to learn so much more about them. You get to pretty much walk through that person’s everyday life with them; it’s pretty great, and thoroughly interesting.

I am completely in favor of social networking websites. They give us an opportunity to have self expression, and make and build up friendships. I hope that they continue to be around, because I enjoy them immensely.

[singlepic id=41 w=150 h=150 float=left]Complain, waste of time, complain and complain some more. This is what social media is all about. I have noticed that in our time, social media is more common than going out to places. To meet people, you simply go online and add some random person you bumped into in the hallway as a “friend” who you will never speak to again.

A big concern I have is that social media has become a big unreliable and false source of information, social media pretty much made making a rumor more convenient and easier. This means, being part of a network you are exposed to the government and corporate companies who scan your Facebook and email to match advertisement and or possibly incriminate yourself; privacy on these sites is just a big joke. What you are really doing is leaving yourself open to identity theft, being hacked, and a plethora of viruses.

Above all it’s a waste of time, does spending several minutes throughout the day really add up, then before you know it, there goes an hour of your time. I don’t think a lot of people have noticed but social media can harm your job and employment and college possibilities; posting profanity, poor grammar, illegal drugs, and pictures with inappropriate content can damage your real life away from the internet! Being on a social site is making us less social our generation is becoming more isolated because it’s much easier to open your phone and “chat” with your friends then to hold a conversation. So let’s put away the profile and make some real friends.


by Matt Fry

Many guys will always have their wallet with them. They usually put it into the same pocket every single time they are done using it. Everything a man needs can be held in there. From money, to bank or ATM cards, to insurance cards, to his license or state ID, school ID, his social security card, anything. Really, just about anything that he needs in could be in there. Every guy has their own organizational technique they use, and that could be displayed by their wallets. There are many kinds of wallets that fit different people better than others. Some have chains that clip to you, some don’t. Some are a bi-fold, and some are tri-fold. Some are designed to look “cool” or goofy. No matter how they look, or what they do… most wallets work the same way, and do the same thing. For most guys, a wallet is his lifeline. But what would happen if he was to misplace or lose that wallet? What is he to do to protect himself after this happens? What can he do to prevent that from happening?

Well, I had lost my wallet over the weekend. I didn’t have any money to pay for gas, or get something to snack on. I worried about being pulled over because I didn’t have my driver’s license. I couldn’t go to an ATM and pull any money out. I was left in a position that I almost couldn’t make it back to Washington! I made it home with fumes left in my tank. And right after I got home. I tried to do anything and everything that I needed to do to make sure I didn’t lose any more of my money. Or lose my identity! First, after driving all the way home. I called my bank/ATM card numbers and tried to get them canceled. The number wasn’t working because I had called them past office hours. So I had to wait another two days before they opened again! I signed up for life-lock because there isn’t much you can do to stop your social security number, you can’t cancel it, and you can’t protect it once it has left your hands. The best you can do is hope that whoever finds your wallet don’t know what to do with that number. Signing up for life-lock will alert you if there is something that goes on that includes you, without YOU knowing. Meaning that if someone goes and tries to buy a $40,000 car that is half way around the world. The company can contact you. See if you really are the one trying to buy that car, And if not; that other person isn’t able to buy anything else. And they also get caught!

But after replacing my driver’s license and bank cards. I checked my bank account. And there hasn’t been any activity on my account. So now, I do know that whoever has found my wallet hadn’t touched my banks. This is good, less for me to worry about. But if they wouldn’t take money from a bank. Then what will they do with your wallet? Some people will take any cash you have in there. And just throw the wallet in the trash. But then there are other people that will look in every corner of the wallet to get as much as they can out of it. And then there are the few kind hearted people that will take it home and try to mail it back to you using the address on your state ID, or your driver’s ID. So therefore you do have a small chance to get your wallet back. But that is just a small chance. Don’t think this can never happen to you. One little mistake can turn your whole day upside-down and just might turn your whole life upside-down. So take little steps to save you the trouble now! One thing I’m going to do is find a new wallet that clips to my belt, or belt loop. So that way it can’t be easily dropped. And then just know what you keep in there and what it can do if it falls into the wrong hands. Lastly, try not to keep super important things in there.
Images by Ruben Otero and Daniel Ostapenko


by Jeremy Hess and Jay Ulrich

Who doesn’t love smart phones? They are so convenient! Let’s say you’re out and about and you get lost or want to check a price of something but don’t want drive home to your computer to find out. Well what do you do? You just pull out your smart phone, Google it, get directions from Google, or from the maps on your Smartphone. They are super convenient when you’re in a fight with a friend and want to know whose right quickly, BAM, pull out your Smartphone and you know whose right.

Also there is the aspect of Wi-Fi, calling, and texting. I was out in woodland with my family with no bars of service, most phones wouldn’t be able to connect to service but because of my Smartphone I was able to connect to Wi-Fi and still be able to use it, just as if I had full bars. Also if you try and go on the internet at a store with Wi-Fi but don’t have smart phone-you can get charged but not with the Smartphone! In most cases, new Smartphone’s the battery life is way better than most non Smartphone’s like my old phone. I got about 2 days for just minimal texting but with my new phone I can call, text and surf the internet and it lasts me two to three and half days.

My last aspect I will talk about is the aspect of being able to check your email on the go: let’s say later in life you’re on a business but your boss emailed you a change in venue but you can be there and on top of it with your Smartphone. You showed up while other non Smartphone users didn’t also it keeps you in better and faster touch with all of your groups of friends.

Okay, I will have you all know straight up that Smartphones are the a devilish device of people who like to complicate your life. Since 1994 ‘Simon’ the age’s first smart phone started the trend that your phone is not just for making a call or sending a text messages. It introduced the new wave of keeping memos, calendars, scheduling and altogether ‘more convenient’ life. Later on in the age came Blackberry’s and Android smart phones, revolutionizing the previous idea-phones are not only meant to organize your life but instead take over your life.

We have all become way too dependent on our little electronic buddies. We’ve created a new sense of alertness when we don’t have our phones in our pockets a wave of panic overcomes us. Everybody LISTEN UP. What will happen if we sudden are stricken from the convenience of our smart phones? Realize the idea of never again checking your Facebook on our I-phones, or never being able to keep appointments on your phone. You will be forced to learn organization and communication skills between actual people instead of sending an SMS message (texting). Why would we want to get used to the idea of verbal communication between others to be rare or non-existent?

I find it more professional and formal to call others instead of texting them. Texting is impersonal and it lacks authenticity. It’s very easy to lie and deceive over text message, because you have the time to think about what you are going to say, without the hint of pausing, stuttering or any indication that you are untruthful. Simplicity at its finest, a non-smart phone is the best way to be true to others, and uncomplicated. Simplistic phones should be the way of the future- a further complicating phone. It’s unnecessary and it will sooner or later control our lives through a tiny phone.


by Jay Ulrich

Being a senior in high school, can put a load of pressure on a person. It’s normal for a teen to have some stress every now and then. Some teens go out and find a part-time job to make some extra money to get that new car, or to get some new clothes, but something that’s apparent is that we’re trying to grow up too fast. Throughout high school, our teachers as well as our parents teach us how to center our actions on goals. Generally that starts off as earning their first car, or saving up for college, but what is an appropriate goal to aim for at a young age? I personally know what it is like to be a teen that grew up way to fast.
I surpassed appropriate goals at an early age and now I am living a more or less young adult life in a kid’s age. At just turning 18 last month, I should be at home with my parents, possibly working a part time job with my graduation the only goal I should be working toward. Instead, I sit in my house with my three roommates, working an almost full time job with the goal of maintaining work, school, and staying on top of bills. Social life is something hard to come by and enjoying the rest of my senior year isn’t looking to well. To see kids my age wanting to pursue the path that I live on worries me. Do they really understand what being independent truly is? Do they know what it feels like to take for granted the small things our parents do for us?

Until now I didn’t really realize it either. Some athletes or other students who have extracurricular activities know that dedicating yourself outside of school can really diminish your grades. With your mind focused more on social aspects rather than finishing your homework, you choose your fate. For some parents, they make it clear to their kids that school is their only job, grades come first. I didn’t’ respect that idea until now. To everyone my age, to the freshman this year; don’t worry about finding a job so soon in life. Don’t take for granted your parents and use them as a way to be successful in your high school career. The real world can wait for you, but graduating can’t. High school should be the best four years of your life.

Freshman year is a time where we try and discover who we are. Something we fail to see is, you will change your mind a million times before you even get to your last year of high school. Choices and ideas of colleges and career paths will come and go well into adulthood but getting a proper education in high school first will help you later on, even if you still think those three years of algebra won’t apply to life post-graduation. I still don’t. Sophomores, I urge you most to take your grades into consideration this year. Failing one class shouldn’t be considered as ‘no big deal’, it will add up at the end and you will have to pay for it. Skipping school and slacking off shouldn’t be praised in school like it is amongst students. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught people snoring, doodling, or even walking out of the class room.

As a senior, I am living what is known for a time where we become lazy, skip or figure we don’t need school anymore. If the millions of people who have graduated in our country knew that high school didn’t matter, would they have prepared us for it for eight years and suffer through it for four? Education and a diploma should be the only thing you’re focused on achieving right now. We have our lives to figure out who we are. Don’t be like me, too eager to grow up and overwhelming yourself. You can be who you want to be at any time, it doesn’t mean that time has to be right now. Now is the time to mold ourselves into who we can be or have the opportunity to be in the future. We’re all still kids, and we need to act like it.