SACRED OBJECTS by Savannah Briley



Why do we hold objects so close to our hearts? Objects tell personal stories, they reflect memories and journeys. They are a part of who we are. For me, my music box holds joyful memories of my childhood. The music would brighten me up even if I was having a bad day. The pink ballerina dancing in a circle with a smile on her face brought a smile onto mine. I would open and close the box sometimes just enough to stop the song. Then I would wind up the music again and play it throughout my room, pretending, just for a moment, that I was that dancing ballerina. I still wind up that old music box when I’m feeling sad.

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BECOMING A COUGAR by Savannah Briley


On Friday, January 17th, HHS’s Career Center hosted a Celebration Luncheon for students recently accepted into Washington State University Pullman and Vancouver campuses.

HHS staff Christy Rice and Heather Peck joined all those recently accepted into WSU, and shared anecdotes, and even sang the fight song.


Congratulations to all students who were accepted.

Video by Savannah Briley



Picture this.

It’s your first day of school. You go through it once a year, but it’s different this time. Because today, you’re starting high school.

You’ve been at the same school, with the same people, for the last 3 years. But now you’re a freshman, navigating unfamiliar halls with faces you couldn’t name if your life depended on it.

Now it’s 4th period. You walk into your class, and don’t recognize a single person. All day you’ve been in classes with other freshmen. You didn’t know them all, but at least they were in the same boat as you, navigating those same unfamiliar halls.

You quickly find out that you are 1 of only 2 freshmen in the class. There’s 1 sophomore, but the rest are juniors and seniors.

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WET BREAD by Gage Thomas


Soggy Bread Final

So I have this problem, a phobia even, of something I think is repulsive: wet bread. It’s pretty bad.

It is so bad that the thought of it was enough to make me gag and even vomit once or twice in the past. It sucks. I generally don’t like to tell people about it but I figured making light of it is the best way to deal with this problem. It makes for good writing. I do regret telling some of my closest friends though. It would be impossible for me to count the numerous times I have received snap chats from friends of pictures of wet bread or even posts to my Facebook timeline of photos of wet bread.

It is disgusting and I hate it.

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