FINGERTIPS by Emily Fraser


My house – big for our small family – had always been a place of comfort.

It was just me and my mom – my father walked out on us when I was young, but at a year and a half old I didn’t really miss his presence. Mom was the only around to raise me, and she often came home from work ready to collapse. As soon as she was through the front door, she would bee-line for the couch in the living room. She would flop down, the cushions absorbing her tired muscles. I would come down from my bedroom. She’d look at me and say “My baby girl’s here!”
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FRIENDSHIP TEST by Spencer Adair


Friends, they’re with you to the end right? Really? Are we really so sure? So I sat down and came up with a friendship test. Don’t call me paranoid, well maybe I amlike all the time. Anyway I wanted to know just how well my friends knew me. So I came up with a set of questions and asked them to my best friend, Jacob, and someone I just met, Katie.

I called it the Friendship Test.

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HAUNTED TAILS by Gage Thomas



The events described in the following story are all true.

So back in February I was riding in a car with someone and I saw something that others might see as horrifying. I was riding shotgun in the car since I can’t drive yet (I’m a senior and I can’t drive, yes, I am aware how dumb that is) and I saw a squirrel scuttle across the street.

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FIRST DAY by Weylin Messenger


My first full day here was honestly one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever had to go through. Without a sense of guidance (other than the tour that I had got), I felt like a lone sheep in a forest with a pack of wolves. I kind of felt like that the people would just chew me up and spit me out and I would be just a shell of my former self. Read more

PLAYOFF BOUND by Marcus Hendrickson


HHS’s Martin Kocurek started off the scoring at the 7 minute mark with a beautiful volley, but Evergreen were fearless and  4 minutes later  got a shot inside the box and managed to even out the score at 1- nil. The T-Wolves did not hold back and came back  with Martin  Kocurek scoring another beautiful Goal inside the 18 yard box, getting them 2-1 lead. Just as we were meeting the half way mark, Evergreen gave it it’s all and managed to take a shot at the 25 and as Sam Basara(goaly) showed no fear to catch the on coming soccer ball,  the rain seemed to be on Evergreens side and slipped right through  the T-Wolves goal keeper’s fingers for a goal giving them the tie at 2-2.

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