Heritage High School is hosting CONFIDENCE WEEK starting March 26th.
It will be a rally to fight against misrepresentation of women in the media, and stand against the twisted importance of outward appearance that pop culture pushes on us.
To show the world you love yourself just the way you are, wear a plain t-shirt, no makeup, and use no hair products.
True confidence comes from within!

Stop by Emmert’s room 601 to be photographed as your all-natural, beautiful self.
Come by anytime Monday-Friday between 7:30-1:00.
Your image will be included in a mosaic celebrating our strength!

On a scale unprecedented in human history, the media communicates cultural values, dictates gender norms, and tells us who we can and cannot be. The collective message that seeps into our subconscious is that women’s value lies primarily in youth, beauty and sexuality. As a result, both men and women have a limited understanding of who women are and what women can be, leading to the under-representation of women in key leadership roles and skyrocketing levels of eating disorders, sexual assault, cosmetic surgery, and exploitative pornography. In this climate of dangerous stereotypes and rigid gender roles, women are rarely seen as powerful figures, and it is difficult for the average woman to feel powerful herself.
Jennifer Newsom