KRISPY – Sierra Lake

Krispy has always been dear to my heart. My mom and dad gave her to me when I was six years old on Valentines Day, and ever since then I’ve adored her. She is very important to me and if anything ever happened to her I would be really sad. I wanted to have a photo series of something I really love, and Krispy was the first thing that came to mind…Plus she is super adorable!
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These photos represent what our stuffed animals do when we’re gone during the day or on vacation. I thought a lot of people could relate to this because we all have the one toy from our childhood that we still have sitting in our room.



I happened upon some old pictures I found. Looking at them reminded me of my old self–the old Jessi. These are unwanted memories–heavy burdens that lay on my heart. I had to renounce these emotions once and for all–so I severed each photograph with the satisfaction of a pair of scissors. My heart will never be burdened again–Auf Wiedersehen, Au Revoir, Farewell…

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DECA rocks internationals

By Tyler Holbert

Thirteen students from Heritage DECA went to Nationals in Salt Lake City, UT. There were a total of 15,000 high school students from around the nation. DECA represented Heritage well by being some of the most professional members in attendance.

Juniors Samantha Ballard and Emily McCoy placed third in the Chapter Award presentation in which they presented a ninety page scrapbook of one year of work for DECA, which has very strict requirements.

Seniors Fletcher Stenlund, Hannah Terry, and Michael Youngs received forth in Public Relation for the S.K.I.D. presentation out of 145 teams and were recognized as the best in the nation for the S.K.I.D. project.

“This international was something I’ll never forget, something I am beyond proud of and something these for years of hard work have prepared me for,” said Terry. “Live life to help make the right decisions for yourself and to support others,” said Stenlund.

The Rant: the battle is on

By: Erin Roetker

“Everything happens for a reason,” a common phrase used when something monumental happens. Whether the action is good or bad, it has happened for a reason. The dictionary definition of fate is, “the supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.”

In this great world around us, we have little control. Not many can fathom how large the universe really is and how tiny we really are. Sure, we can control what we can eat for breakfast or what clothes to put on in the morning, whom we will spend our time with and what grade we will get in a class. When it comes to the more important life decisions we have a purpose and predetermined fate.

Another common phrase is “everyone has a purpose.” As teenagers, we are constantly searching for that defining moment when we find out why we are here. When that moment comes, we are suddenly in the happiest state of mind. The beautiful thing about it is we already have a path in front of us. We have to figure out how to walk down it and make the best decisions, have the best relationships, and be as positive as we can be in order to get to the end of the path.

That is not to say that we are all puppets and there is one entity, one person, one god, controlling every move we make. We have our own choices to make. The idea of our minds being controlled by someone other than ourselves is ridiculous. We obviously make personal judgments, form opinions, and make our own decisions. The difference between decision-making and fate is short-term vs. long term. The flow of the world and its energies will overpower any choice that we try and make.

No person was created the same as any other. It is possible that as humans we will have some of the same characteristics, or enjoy the same activities, but in no way is every aspect the same in two human beings. There is a purpose for each person being the way that they are. We were all made different for a reason, an important reason. There is a job for each person and something that every person has to accomplish in their lifetime. We were all meant to walk down different paths to different destinations by the power of fate.

By: Ashley Davis
Opinion Editor

Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Fate, on the other hand, is the development of events outside a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. In the east, it is a common belief that life is guided by fate and if you come from the west, you likely believe that life is guided by your own free will.
The idea of fate seems to make sense in many situations. Sometimes people find themselves in situations that just can’t be explained in any other way besides fate. I believe that each individual has the power to make their own choices, and each one of these choices affects others.

The choices we make in this life are choices we decide to make, and are not necessarily part of a plan. Rather than “a plan,” I believe in patterns. Patterns occur in every aspect of life. In fact, life itself is a pattern. We make choices, often guided by emotions and sometimes guided by deep thought and analysis. As far as fate goes, I think it is just a word to explain the outcome or consequences of our choices. Fate is a word that I associate with the pattern that comes out of free will.

The ability to take responsibility for one’s own actions and not leave it up to some outside source is sometimes scary for individuals to comprehend, but life itself is scary. As human beings we are sometimes comforted by the idea that everything happens for a reason. This idea seems to make sense, but not by a force of spirit, rather, the events are a result of one of life’s many patterns. I think that without the idea of fate people would be lost.

Personally, the idea that life is all pre-determined for me is terrifying. I much rather prefer the thought of creating my life, rather than going through the motions only to end up where I’m ‘supposed to be’. That’s just the thing though, whether we believe in fate or free will, we will latch onto whatever makes us more comfortable. This is human nature.

In the end, you make your own decisions, and it creates an endless domino effect. This idea is more complex and not so compartmentalized as to say: “It’s fate. Everything happens for a reason”. I think living your life with this belief is certainly okay, as long as you acknowledge the fact that you need to be responsible for the decisions that you make in life, and you acknowledge the fact that everything you do affects others, whether that be by our fate or a pattern as a result of free will.

You have created yourself and all of your loveliness, and you deserve to take some credit for that.

The Zooey Deschanel phenomenon

By : Marina Gephart

In a world where lounge music never went out of style, where 60’s shag bangs and day-dresses make up the only acceptable outward appearance, and where singing and dancing serve as a form of therapy, Zooey Deschanel is queen. Luckily for Deschanel—an actress and singer appearing in Elf, (500) Days of Summer, Yes Man, The Happening, and the offbeat comedy Our Idiot Brother among many other films— the U.S. is completely infatuated with her brand of awkward quirkiness. Not to mention, her Portland-based, indie rock duo She and Him is all over alternative radio stations across the country.

Her latest venture is the very popular show New Girl, about a young woman named Jess Day, who after having a nasty breakup with her boyfriend, goes out on her own seeking independence. Coincidentally, the plot seems to carry over into her real life: Deschanel recently divorced her husband, Death Cab for Cutie singer Ben Gibbard, and serves as a producer, composer, writer, and lead in the show.

Prior to New Girl, Deschanel carried an almost cult following, and it seemed that everybody who knew who she was loved her. Even Perez Hilton, who mercilessly embarrasses and shames celebrities, expressed his positive feelings for her in many blogs, one even titled “We LOVE Zooey Deschanel” which describes her as being “so cute and [having] such a wonderful voice”.

New Girl gave hungry fans a chance to watch her on a regular basis and due to the placement of the show—after Glee on Fox, a popular show and network— it brought in lots of new Zooey fans as well. According to, the pilot and second episode of the show were the top-rated shows on their air dates. The show continued from September through May in its first season and is now set to return for a second season.

Essentially, Zooey Deschanel has brought back sitcom-comedy in a world of mindless reality shows, and her hard work is paying off. Be aware of the second season in the late summer for a good laugh.


I remember walking through stores with my grandpa, hand in hand. I grew up with him raising me, from when I was a newborn until I was seven. No matter what the weather was, he would take me out to different places so I wouldn’t bother my uncle and cousins when they were studying or sleeping. It didn’t matter if it was rain, or snow, hot or cold, we would go to places…like Kings Bakery. The bakery held the aroma of fresh baked pastries. You could see the bakers making the bread in the back. It was always busy and filled with people that he knew. Read more

International Economic Summit

Placing 3rd overall in the International Economic Summit is the team of Kodi Bennion, Kenzi Will, and Meagan Kuntz representing the country of Venezuela.

The CWI International classes divided into groups representing a different country. They competed against the Evergreen CWI International classes on May 24, at EHS. Placing 3rd overall in the International Economic Summit is the team of Kodi Bennion, Kenzi Will, and Meagan Kuntz representing the country of Venezuela. Heritage swept Issue Statement category with second place Anna Stice, Cheyenne Sutcliffe, and Jessica Johnson representing South Africa and the team from Venezuela took 3rd.

Placing 1st in the Issue Presentation portion Brittanie May, Sean Mathews, and Kevin Flewellen-Wiggins representing the country of Krygyzstan.