For my first multimedia grad school class at UO, I had to make a 1 minute video that indcluded (2) matched cuts. I chose to go shoot at the Portland Marathon last week, and made this from it. Hope you like!
-Mister E.

BTW: If you’re interested, the music is Sun Kil Moon’s cover of a Modest Mouse song.

Shrub of Death

by Mathew Fry

We have a lot of kids here at this school, and the fact the many of them can make it to school is a little surprising these days, considering the death bush!

This bush has been there for a long time now, and over the years it has been growing. It is getting to that point where kids have to walk around it because it comes right up to the street. This makes students walk in the road with cars. Some drivers do stop or slow down to people that are walking past it. Some drivers try to squeeze between student pedestrians and oncoming traffic!

To my knowledge, nothing tragic has happened yet at this spot, but one of these days…. Maybe someone needs to run home real fast and they don’t pay attention to the bush, someone steps out walking toward the school. They have no time to react to anything! That person gets hit!

[singlepic id=127 w=320 h=240 float=right]What if you knew that person? What if was one of your friends? Maybe a family member picking you up… We should do something about that bush. And I don’t mean cut it down, unless we really have too! First things first; It’s owned by someone else and they have a right to their privacy. Or maybe they just don’ t realize that it is getting in the way of many kids. But if we could talk to them about trimming it back so it’s not so big and full. It can save a life one day.

Maybe the person doesn’t want his bush there! Maybe they’re just waiting for help to tear it out? We have a side walk before the bush, but it ends right before the bush starts! Let’s make something happen here, Heritage-we don’t want any friends or family hurt because of a shrub!

The Rant ::: YOLO!

by Hugo Gonzalez and Cassidy Lucas

[singlepic id=41 w=150 h=150 float=left]YOLO? Seriously? Our class of 2013 should not be remembered for this ignorant quote. YOLO has become an excuse to commit crimes, play pranks, and even ruin your own life because “you only live once.”

I first heard the expression in an offensive rap song by Drake. When I first listened to the song it made no sense. It was rambling profanity about smoking pot, and having one night stands with prostitutes. Is this reference even something that should be allowed at a school? I seriously do not think this has any relation to the class of 2013; I don’t know about you, but I don’t do those things.

Most of the YOLO posts on Twitter or Facebook are published by someone who has messed up their lives and are using the quote, YOLO as an escape to justify their mistakes. Why in the WORLD would we want to take THAT and turn it into a motto for kids that are moving onto the next chapter of their lives? When do you ever see the word YOLO associated with someone actually preparing their lives? We should know that having a good, prepared, long life is more important than screaming ‘YOLO’ at the top of our lungs while doing something we are going to regret.

If anything, YOLO should be a precautionary statement that means, ‘Hey, you only live once.’ You should be out there preparing to make that one chance you get the best it can possibly be. I’m not trying to be a party pooper, but there is a time and a place to risk it all and take a chance, but our entire senior year shouldn’t be summed up as a risk.

I fear for the future of our classmates and generation. What kind of future can we expect when we are supposed to look at people like Drake and lil Wayne and use their words as guide lines for our lives? I think Yolo was chosen for a motto because there wasn’t anything better suggested; I believe the vote should have been held at the beginning of our senior year in a class room with the opinion of our fellow students to support us. Our class of 2013 should not be remembered this way. -Hugo

Image by Jay Budd

[singlepic id=55 w=150 h=150 float=left]You only live once, that’s the motto. The phrase has been around for a long time. Just because some rapper abbreviated it to “YOLO,” doesn’t mean the original meaning has been eliminated. Anti-YOLO HHS Facebook pages have sprung up hating on the motto. Students have introduced petitions and attacked our senior class ASB over this. I am beyond proud that we have a class full of passion. But it’s time we take the passion and invest it into something useful, instead of bashing a motto full of truth. The passion our senior body is emitting is amazing, but I’d personally love to see that passion put to work on your senior project or post-high school goals.

YOLO isn’t an excuse to screw up your life. Instead, it should be a reminder that you only have one lifetime to make this world a better place. Leave behind a legacy of courage, strength, honor, love and service…not a rap sheet of stupidity, selfishness, cowardice, hurt and hate. When I take a look back at my high school years, I’ll be thinking about my successes in high school and the growth I made, the changes I’ve made as not only a person but as a student.

Yes, the term might be overused. And it can also be misused, as an excuse to do stupid stuff. You might not like the rapper, and it may have not been your first choice when choosing our senior motto. But I can guarantee that if the term “You only live once,” was chosen to be our motto instead of “YOLO,” the reaction from the senior class would be significantly different.

We should all be more focused on actually graduating rather than sitting around sulking over a motto we’ll more than likely laugh at in a few years. Take the saying “Carpe Diem!” for example; which means “seize the day.” The meaning of carpe diem is similar to many other proverbs used in the English language for pretty much just living your life to the fullest and to make worth of the time you have on earth because it’s short. You only live once, or YOLO, completely falls under this category.

YOLO is a great reminder to always live your life to the fullest because you’ve only got one life to live. Don’t take advantage of this life because at any time it could be ripped from your hands. Embrace YOLO; it shows not only our success as students but as people all together and I don’t think that by any means it should be changed. -Cassidy

Fashion Trending ::: Fall Layers

by Jay Ulrich

[singlepic id=115 w=233 h=350 float=left]Fall is coming and the transition from light summer wear into layered winter wear is becoming a coming issue. No one wants to throw away entire wardrobes because of the slight weather change, and storage is not a kind way to treat our clothes. Finding new alternatives to updating our wardrobe is becoming more real and it’s something I can see we all need help on.

For most women, we stocked up on sundresses this summer as a way to find a cool alternative to shorts and skirts, but now that the wind is blowing and the temperatures are dipping down. We are ready to put the dresses in the back of the closet till next summer, and whip out our cards to spend one-hundred plus dollars on a new wardrobe. What if I told you there was an easy-trendy alternative to fashioning your dress into the latest fall apparel?

Layering is a key factor in fall fashion. We need a way to stay fashion forward but also to stay warm and comfortable at the same time. Layering can bring out the best in an outfit while keep us cozy and comfortable. It’s as simple as adding a spaghetti strap under our dress, wearing leggings underneath, and/or wearing a cardigan on top. The layered look also shows the thoughtfulness of your outfit, more than just waking up and throwing clothes on, without the hard work of it all. Layering doesn’t just go for girls; Men are sporting the layered look as fall becomes closer. Whether it is adding a flannel or blazer to your tank top, or wearing your jean cut-offs with a sweater, men work with what they have to stay on top of fashion.

[singlepic id=114 w=233 h=350 float=right]Dresses: Take your best summer dress and layer it with a solid legging, or pair of leg warmers. If it’s a bit windy that day, throw on a cardigan pending the pattern of your dress. If you have a solid color dress, then add some patterns with your leggings or cardigan. If your dress has a floral pattern to it, then keep it simplistic with solids and low key patterns. You do not want to have an eye sore outfit with too many patterns in one outfit. Always keep it simplistic, and you will never strike out.

Tank Tops: (Women) Tank tops are always something you can layer. Adding a trendy denim vest, or layering over a buttoned up top always creates a cozy fashionable look. Such as Flannels, button ups, and jackets.

[singlepic id=116 w=233 h=350 float=left]Tank Tops: (Men) Tank tops for men are very common to see layered with denims, flannel, and jackets. The general rule is that layering tank tops can be anything that buttons/zips up without covering the entire shirt.

Accessories: Layering transitions your wardrobe but adding accessories to your outfit makes it a more unique piece that sets it apart from everyone else’s outfit.