Dancing with the teachers!

Dancing with the Teachers got started when Heritage High School asked the award-winning dance team if they would like to set up a program that would split the money earned between themselves with Speech and Debate. Just from this last year, they made $1200 combined, thanks to the enormous support from Heritage students.
The winner last year was Mr. Messer and he is coming back this year to defend his title. One year ago, Mr. Hamann was the main teacher and he will also be back this year to have a close rivalry with Mr. Messer for the title. I know a lot of people know him from AP Language and Composition, Junior Lit., and also from Junior English.

Here is the list of teachers dancing this year:
We have Mr. Crane, Miss Robinson, Mr. Messer, Mr.Hamann, Miss Cayton, Miss.Walenborn, Mr. Blake, Mr. Ross, Mr. Suksdorf, and Miss Suksdorf.

Currently, Paige Allen will be the MC, James Huges and Jeremy Hess will be at the door, with Savannah Briley doing behind-the-scenes filming of the competition. Come support our award-winning dance team and the amazing speech and debate team on November 29th at 7pm. Admission is $5 per person.

I know all of you who know Mr. Hamman, or even another teacher in the event, would like to come see them dance with the dance team. The first year most of them did hip hop, so come down to see what they are doing this year!

-Written by Jeremy Hesse

Here are some shots from LAST year:

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Images & Writing by Jay Ulrich

Lots of changes have occurred between the early 90’s and the early 2010’s. As a senior this year, I’ve noticed a lot of the different changes that we have between my generation and today’s. Born in the 90’s, we didn’t have extreme excess to computers or game systems that now every kid has. We did have computers, but our internet started out on AOL compact discs and the best graphic game system was the Dream cast; Things that most kids now a day’s never even heard of. We have advancement in technology that is rapidly inclining as we advance software, and build easier alternatives to daily tasks. We could very much say that the next generation of kids will not know a world without computers, or an easy life. Even experiencing some of the time without the need of technology as a 90’s kid, the later part of my life eventually revolved around the computer and more so than ever today. Is that necessarily a positive result with the advancement in computers?

To say that this era of new technology is entirely a good thing would be a bit of an overstatement. We’ve developed faster computers, lighter mobile phones, and since the 2000’s the availability of internet and phone access has increased. A 2008 Pew Internet and American Life Project Study states that only ten percent of US adults use dial-up internet access. According to United States Federal Communications Commission in 2010 it was 6 percent. A main reason for this is that advancement in technology occurred and produced Broad-Band Internet and Cable, to produce a faster and cheaper way of surfing the internet. With this newer availability of internet, companies have been finding their way over the years to broaden their target audience from mainly adults to kids. Computer games are a consumption of children’s time now a day and even hook them till their mid to late twenties. Examples like Sims Series, Star Craft, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, and Farmville.

New companies were trying to connect to gaming industry with the idea that you didn’t need to be in the same room or even country to play a game of scrabble online. Through Social Networking, we’ve given a whole new perspective of communication between friends. Social networking has evolved from Friendster (2002-03) followed by MySpace (2004-06) and ultimately replaced by Facebook (2007 – ). Networking between friends and staying in touch not only became easier, but more impersonal. A phone call was easily replaced with Instant Messaging and for some has replaced verbal communication between people. It’s not entirely a bad thing, and many prefer the non-verbal attention, but it really dampens the idea of the socially awkward coming out of their shells, and more inviting others to hinder their social lives.

Ultimately, there were some setbacks that came with the advancement of technology, but I would say there is a better outcome because of it. Gaming takes a lot of your time sitting in one spot when a decade ago you were more likely to be found rollerblading or being active in some way. Any activity at all these days is usually done for the idea of ‘getting your exercise in’ instead of playing sports or outdoor games for fun. It should be a priority of Americans to make sure they moderate the use of social networking and gaming but then again, there is always too much of a good thing. Computer advancement isn’t a bad idea and it has help more than harmed. A general principle should be set when on the computer that every hour you’re on it is an hour you have wasted to doing something progressive in your life. Examples like taking a hour walk, playing a sport, or even doing homework are all positive actions that you could have made while you were checking your Facebook.


by Hugo Gonzalez and Cassidy Lucas

[singlepic id=55 w=150 h=150 float=left]It’s eleven PM on a Sunday night and you just lay down to go to sleep. You realize you have a paper due at the beginning of class tomorrow in first period and you’ve yet to start it. Reality sets in and you realize you need a quick source of energy since you’ll be pulling an all-nighter, hopefully completing your non-existent paper in time. You rush to the kitchen, throw on a pot of coffee, grab some food and grab an energy drink to fill your need of caffeine.
There are quite a few reasons as to why I condone the consumption of energy drinks and coffee. First of all, consuming either one is an instantaneous energy boost. When you are in a rush, we can’t lose time on alternatives. Second, they taste fabulous, and third, they’re completely convenient.

In Vancouver, you can’t drive five miles down the road without passing at least two coffee shops or gas stations. As high-school students, we seem to procrastinate rather often. If there’s a way to obtain energy fast in order to complete a task at the last minute, then by all means, take advantage of it. As far as health concerns go, it is completely one-hundred percent safe to consume energy drinks and coffee if you drink them in moderation. Of course too much of anything can harm your body but if you’re not drinking eight cups of coffee within a 3 hour period, you’ll be fine.

Drinking an energy drink is equivalent to drinking about four cans of soda, but the difference is instead of filling a can with carbonated water, caffeine, and sugar like soda does, energy drinks contain a significant amount of vitamin B which is a natural source of energy.

According to WebMD; coffee drinkers are far less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, less of a chance to develop certain types of cancer, heart rhythm problems, and strokes. Coffee is full of antioxidants, all positive nutrients to your body.

Energy drinks and coffee are two amazing resources of energy and should completely be utilized by people. Not only do I completely love the taste of coffee and energy drinks, but I also love the energy jolt it gives me Instantly perking me up when I’m tired. They’re great in all ways and have far more benefits than people think.


Image by Elliot Taylor

[singlepic id=41 w=150 h=150 float=left]According to Dr. Joseph Mercola and Rachael Droege “American adult consumes over 10 pounds of coffee per year, which amounts to a total of 2.4 billion pounds a year in the United States alone.” I am not sure about everyone but I plan to live a long healthy life and at our age we shouldn’t needs stimulants to be energetic. “Most energy drinks contain at least as much caffeine as a standard eight-ounce cup of coffee” According to Dr. Edward group from global healing center; also that “caffeine can cause anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, and insomnia.” Its either you’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing or you’re not prioritizing yourself and have to stay up, whatever way it may be I strongly disagree against these products.

I think the reason why most of our generation believes that we need energy drinks or coffee to stay up or accomplish anything, is because of the way it is sold to us in the media. For example look at the guy who jumped from the edge of space by slapping a giant red bull logo to the side of his helmet, it has given us the idea that we need more then ourselves to do something great and that is a lie. For example like Cassidy said “you can’t drive five miles down the road without passing at least two coffee shops or gas stations.” This is always giving us the option to go right ahead and use it as a reliable source of energy.

I believe then rather having a stimulant that gives you jitters to help you write that important paper that your grade relies on that a more in focus and clear head would prevail. Don’t quote me by it but I don’t believe Felix Baumgartner the guy from the space jump took a red bull before attempting his stunt, self motivation, determination and being organized is the best way to get things done Rather than waiting until half past midnight to remember an assignment. There are other things you can do to make sure your body is full of energy and ready for the day like consume more water or by getting more sleep!

“Although teenagers need an estimated nine to ten hours of sleep each night, many only get seven or eight hours of sleep on a regular basis” says Lily J. Tythan at live strong.com; I seriously believe the number one reason that these products are used is because of the lack of sleep. Difficulty waking in the morning, irritability during the afternoon, falling asleep during the day and having difficulty remembering or concentrating is the signs to sleep deprivation; oddly enough those signs are usual for the most of us aren’t they?

I am not saying that all people have time on their hands to waste but for the people who just take it for the taste and sheer rush and trend, learn to take care of your future self. All I am saying is that these products are damaging, not necessary and strongly disapprove of these products.
