FAMILY by Jessi Proulx

I hate you all.

You’re all leaving me!

I’m the only Sophomore in a class full of seniors. I know you’re all headed into the world to make some amazing changes. But you’ve become my family. And it’s hard to let go of your family. But I am so happy you all got to be a part of my life, and year. You have all made a change in my life whether it was huge, or teeny.

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SWOOSH by Hugo Gonzalez and Jessi Proulx

Pure thrill and excitement fills every inch of my body as we pull up to the headquarters of the one the only, Nike. Giant banners hang behind the water fountains as if guarding the entrance. A small group of us Heritage kids stick together, there for a presentation. But it’s more than that. It’s an opportunity.
Our Heritage group, small and determined, marches in. Memorable statues, shoes, and clothing sit in perfect display. It would take hours to explain all the meaning behind all this stuff. 80 other students, full of ambition, hustle around to look at everything in this museum. Some huddle around the designers and marketers, all trying to stand out.

The presentation covered the upcoming Nike Creative Workshop and what it’s like at Nike. Every type of person that has input on a single shoe, designers, specialists on fabrics, colors, different types of plastics was present. It gave us a glimpse on what it takes to be a Nike employee. All of us students participated in a designing contest. We had fifteen minutes to design a shoe and sketch it. The grand prize: an internship at Nike.

Chris Lindauer, the president sports career consultant, and Anthony Roberts, the leader of Uneek Projects, gave me a full pass to go for the day free of charge Read more


Incredible results from the district art show.

Heritage brings back SEVEN of the district’s total 16 CREATIVE AWARDS!


Plus the districts SUPERINTENDENT’S AWARD!

Plus the OSPI AWARD!

I’m serious.  We CLEANED UP.

We are officially an ARTS POWERHOUSE!

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Imagine something.


A made up creature from a movie, maybe, or a prototype for the next great invention.

Three-dimensional modeling and sculpting makes these things possible. Ideas become reality.

Mrs. Wendlandt has been teaching here at Heritage for twelve years in the 3D production industry for four years.

“3D is a great career that has been exploding with popularity,” she says. “Anybody can now design, invent or create. It’s no longer limited. It’s a great way to conceptualize and speed up production.” Industries like the entertainment, gaming, Read more

TAKE A NUMBER by Hugo Gonzalez

Images by Cody Calhoon

Fluorescent lights illuminate the nervous crowd seated below them; the constant beep, beep, beep, from the computers is anything but soothing. Everyone stiffly keeps turned to the front of the room.

They murmur in different languages between themselves: Russian, Spanish, different Asian dialects. All of them clutch large stacks of papers, over-prepared, just in case. The immigration office is not a place you want things to go wrong.

“27,” a curly brown-haired woman from the front desk screams, her bark strangely feminine. An older woman stands up; a younger lady helps her walk to the front. No one smiles, few people whisper among themselves the rest just listen.

“28.” Everyone checks their number. Another gets up to disappear to the front of the room.

A TV softly plays against the wall; a wrinkled piece of paper stuck to it reads “DO NOT TOUCH.” Read more