WE’RE NOT DONE by E’lon Mack


Playing on Friday nights is the absolute best thing we ever do. The atmosphere is unreal. It’s a war we prepare a whole week for. We won the battle. The win, our first win, was the beginning of our new reign. And because it’s my senior year, getting that win meant a lot.

When Jay Allen took that hand off in the end zone, late in the fourth quarter, the realization sunk in, the game was ours. Read more

WE ARE BORN by Jessi Proulx

Image by Jessi Proulx


We grow to learn from our parents’ rights,

Their wrongs,

Their mistakes.

They teach us whether or not it’s wrong

To be passionate about the things you love, our presentation of


A child is born into this world knowing nothing.

It is what we teach that child that will create its perspective on this world.

What will create their piece of mind? Read more

ROSIE THE RIVETER by Julia Garcia and Amber Poer

“The career fair showed me I don’t have to be what society wants me to be.”
-Amber Poer, HHS Class of ’13

Women have moved up in the world throughout the century from staying at home to jobs that normally have men in employment. On Friday, May 17th, students from Heritage High School attended the Women in Trade Career Fair in Oregon that is anything but traditional.

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The fair included hands-on activities for women and girls to explore the possibility of taking a future job in the trades. Activities like construction experience, positive skills coaching, and working directly with female role models were available at the career fair.
High-paying trades like plumbing and construction were encouraged careers for young women to pursue because women have remained 2.5% of the construction-trades skilled workforce for the last 30 years.

Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. who runs the Women in Trade Career Fair has been doing it since 1993 to increase the number of women working in the trades and to help fill the gap in the labor force that has dropped because upcoming retirements of skilled trades people.