Rachael Kramer


This is  inescapable pain. This pain burns. It  freezes you in your tracks. This pain is a cold that somehow burns, singes hair on the back of your neck. It is never a sudden feeling, but it grows. It starts at your skin and works its way to your core. You feel its pressure rising and expanding in your chest,  in deep gasps for air, but you can’t control it.

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It was a cool yet  sunny day, a contrast to what last week’s game was. With Union entering the field, it was about to be a sharp contrast e in the score as well. With our adrenaline rush and pride flowing through our blood from  beating Enumclaw just the other week, HHS Football was pumped up and confident.

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Sabrina Frasier came to me on September 25th, five days before the deadline, presenting me with an idea to enter a video into the Katy Perry video contest. We made a plan. Camper Ruybal, George Stokes and I went to the Homecoming assembly and game to get footage. We also spent a day after school to get even more footage. This is one of most stressful things I have ever done, but it is also something I am very proud of. We all worked so hard on this, whether we win or not I think we should be proud of ourselves that we could create something like this in such a short period of time.

SKIDS by Dmitry Ivanchuk


On Wednesday, September 18th, the DECA and P2AC clubs successfully organized and presented the SKIDs program to the juniors and seniors of HHS. SKIDs stands for  Stop Kids Intoxicated Driving. This assembly  re-enacted a drunk driving accident on the athletic fields with real police, emergency vehicles and a life flight helicopter. The accident might have been staged, but the emotions were real.


preforming-arts_7 Performer:

In all honesty, no one really understands what we performers go through. They see us put on our performance one time. They think it’s as easy as 1-2-3. In reality, they don’t see how hard we work to get our lines right and our body motions to go with the lines. Everything must be practiced and done right. In rehearsal we may joke around with each other and play around, but when we hit that stage, everything becomes professional. If we do something wrong, we can criticize ourselves for weeks, even months about what we did wrong. If we do everything right and perfect, we give ourselves so much confidence and assurance that we were nothing less than amazing!


As we stand on that stage under the bright lights, our heart beats fast,our palms start sweating, and it almost feels like we’re under pressure to be perfect.

We performers are always dedicated and determined to make a show amazing and perfect. We stay after school, 2 days a week, until 5:30 in the afternoon practicing and perfecting every little piece of our performance. We want to do and be our best for everyone. As we stand on that stage under the bright lights, our heart beats fast,our palms start sweating, and it almost feels like we’re under pressure to be perfect. We get nervous because all we want is for the audience to enjoy the show, but we also don’t want to mess up. Sure we make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop and perfect it. If we’re in rehearsal, that’s fine but on stage, in front of an audience, the show must go on.


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PROJECT 11 by Marcus Hendrickson

Images by Marcus Hendrickson


With the Heritage wolf pack surrounding the stands and a crisp cool air giving a warning of the rain to come, Heritage Football walked out onto the field. Fans were packed into one undulating mass of purple, and the game was on. Right after kick-off Heritage recovered a fumble marking the beginning of a relentless onslaught brought on by the wolves.

“Play one” was the defining play according to Wyatt Luedecker, and he repeatedly stated how the first play that resulted in a 23 yard touchdown pass to Jeremiah Kelly is what created the momentum that ended in a 40 to 0 Heritage win.  “We hit them hard, we scored touchdowns, we didn’t stop, and we didn’t take our foot off the pedal”. Read more