Note: This video clip was produced by Evergreen School District’s program, YES-TV.

Senior Year, with the help of DECA, motivated me to create some kind of legacy at Heritage High School. Leaving a legacy means to build a path for others. My partner in the “Breaking the Barriers” campaign, Alyssa Ferguson, felt the best future for Heritage was for everyone to be excited about coming to school. Future students wouldn’t have to worry about being picked on, or not having someone to eat lunch with. We wanted all future students to be close with EVERYBODY, as if all 2200 students at HHS were all one family.

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THE DATE by Victoria Sandoval


Project 3 Picture 3 B&W

Marcus’s dirty grubby fingers better not touch that popcorn. We were at the movies watching The Internship, Marcus was on my left and Anthony was on my right. I honestly don’t even understand how I got into this with the boy I have despised since the 8th grade and the boy I have been in love with since the 3rd grade sandwiching me in the these small red chairs.

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