By: Tyler Holbert
I believe that not all learning happens within the four walls of a classroom. Teachers can teach us a lot of factual topics, but there are many situations that our teachers cannot replicate in the classroom. Teachers can’t bring in some of the greatest most inspirational leaders in the state, among other things.
In Future Business Leaders of America, students gain knowledge about business and apply it towards competitions. This experience gives the student an opportunity of a lifetime.
I have been in FBLA for three years and every year I attend state competition, I learn something new. This year I learned how to run a campaign booth all while carrying the responsibility of meeting deadlines. With a student leadership organization like FBLA you have the opportunity to gain leadership skills, travel experiences, and community service projects.
You also gain the skills to become a leader of today, tomorrow, and forever when you join clubs such as FBLA, DECA, FFA and Key Club, etc. That is why it is important for students to be involved in these clubs they give members the chance to unlock their potential.
While being in FBLA I’ve gained a better attachment and experience at school because it makes me try harder in all of my classes. I also have to keep up with my grades, so that I can remain a chapter officer.
Clubs help students stay more focused in school as well bringing an element of fun because it can keep us involved and engaged.