HHS Photography Student Shiann Roark was right in the middle of her Famous Photograph assignment in Digital Photography when she came across the work of photographer Amy Spanos. Read more
{ the student voice of HHS }
The 2014 Senior Slide Show
Reaching Out explores the natures of who we are and who we wish to be. It is also the title of Malina Alexander’s AP Portfolio Concentration.
Photos from the 2014 Moving Up Assembly
HHS Junior Alena Wickham’s AP Digital Photography Portfolio features her dog, Willie in a variety of human-like positions and situations. Wickham plays with the nature realms, both human and canine alike in this generous and touching photo series.
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HHS Senior May Phim’s AP Digital Photography Portfolio features a concentration that hones in on what John Watson once said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
HHS’s Martin Kocurek started off the scoring at the 7 minute mark with a beautiful volley, but Evergreen were fearless and 4 minutes later got a shot inside the box and managed to even out the score at 1- nil. The T-Wolves did not hold back and came back with Martin Kocurek scoring another beautiful Goal inside the 18 yard box, getting them 2-1 lead. Just as we were meeting the half way mark, Evergreen gave it it’s all and managed to take a shot at the 25 and as Sam Basara(goaly) showed no fear to catch the on coming soccer ball, the rain seemed to be on Evergreens side and slipped right through the T-Wolves goal keeper’s fingers for a goal giving them the tie at 2-2.
Oscar Barajas & Andrew Wunderlich team up again, this time to bring you a chilling ghost story about a strange discovery in the woods.
– Images by Andrew Wunderlich
– Audio/Edited by Oscar Barajas