IN YOUR BACKYARD – Joshua Trottier

“In Your Backyard” is the visual exploration of how people deal with problems that arise in their life through the use of still life and landscape photography. This neighborhood is perfect on the surface, while right in the backyard they have this overrun forest filled with debris and litter. There are those of us that sweep things under the rug…everything is OK on the surface of day to day life; yet, underneath the surface there is a growing pile of problems slowly accumulating. My hope was that through this series viewers can reflect on themselves and think about what type of things they’re allowing to reside in their space.

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A photographic series by AP Photo student Joshua Trottier

THIRST – Blake Baxter

Thirst was created in Video Production class by HHS student Blake Baxter for the International Silent Youth Film Festival.

Baxter’s Thirst explores the parallel worlds of waking and dreaming life, and features stellar visual effects. Out of seventy-seven entries for the Pacific Northwest Edition of the festival, Blake’s film was selected as a top ten finalist that will be judged by a celebrity panel including internationally renowned director Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting, Milk, My Own Private Idaho).

Thirst will be screened on the final night of the International Youth Silent Film Festival, with live musical accompaniment at the Hollywood Theatre in Portland on May 24th, at 7pm. For tickets and additional information visit:

ONE DAY – Derek Julian

Eyes can really say a lot about a person. In my “One Day” series I focus on the eyes to show the lies this girl is holding deep inside- something out of this world. These images are documenting her life as she mimics the things that any other normal person does. She covers her face in makeup just like a normal teenager, but it’s for completely different reasons…
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A photographic series by 2010 AP Photo student Derek Julian

IN THE CLOUDS – Dylan Smith

To have your “Head in the Clouds” is to take reality apart, and then put it back together in whichever way you want…basically, turning it into a dream. I realized that a dream wasn’t something that could just simply be photographed. Instead, I needed to find a way to blur the line between reality and imaginations. I want the audience to get lost in each photo, to feel as if they are there, suspended, holding their breath as time slows down around them; to allow themselves to take a moment and put their own head in the clouds.

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A photographic series by AP Photo student Dylan Smith


Jack Burkman, Vancouver City Council member, has presented us with the opporturtunity to showcase high school digital photography students’ work at the new Vancouver City Hall. The purpose is to capture individual students’ positive and creative vision on the theme of “My Vancouver.”

The intent is to create an installation of Evergreen students’ work in the foyer of the new city hall, tentatively from June 1 through the summer. The opening day and reception coincide with the June First Friday arts event. Individual student works may be chosen for permanent exhibition in public spaces, published in Vancouver tourism materials, and/or receive public recognition by city officials.

HHS STEPPED UP! Here are some images from Emmert’s classes:

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Softball tied for 3rd

Senior Kyla Alley is getting ready to run off a base after a hit

By: Tyler Holbert

The girls softball team was battling the whole season trying to beat everyone. They are currently tied in 3rd place and the top three teams go to Regionals.

This comes down to the last game of the season. The softball team really wants to go back to state this year. The top eight of the sixteen teams go to state from Regionals.