HHS brings home ELEVEN PHOTO awards!
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Congratulations to:
Evergreen Awards ::: Elizabeth Vuziy | Ashley Davis

Honorable Mention ::: Miranda Cabral | Elliot Taylor | Sierra Lewis | Jacqueline Del Angel | Dmitry Ivanchuk

Creative Awards ::: Dylan Smith | Katherine Bacon-Vickrey | Rebecca Aguayo | Amanda Mar

Lacrosse ends strong

Seniors Hunter Armstrong, Jocelyn Cole, and Baylee Larson

By Michael Noriega

The Lacrosse team’s captains are Senior Jocelyn Cole and Junior Emily McCoy. The team made it to state for the first time in school history. This is the fourth season Lacrosse has been in existence. Their first state game was against Lake Samamish.
Lacrosse can be dangerous and sometimes injuries do occur. Some injuries did occur players got twisted ankles. Some had concussions and one tore her ACL. (Anterior cruciate ligament) “They are going to be amazing,” says senior Baylee Larson about next years team.
The lacrosse season record was 5-6-1.

IDream Students

Elena Paliy, Kaily Marlin, Rikko Otero, Hon Malagon, Ezikiel Sandoval

By Anna Tomlinson
News Editor
iDREAM is a program which takes the Evergreen School District’s commitment to integrating more students onto the path of engineering and other high tech professions to a new level. iDREAM, which stands for Innovative Design, Research, Engineering and Mathematics, involves a freshmen course team of two teachers who combine principles of engineering and integrated algebra and geometry.
Students were required to work in teams constructing bridges from balsa wood. Designs had to be lightweight yet sturdy, and stress levels were tested. The students spent time at Linear Tech in Camas, Wash. touring the company and building ideas for the future.
Another event students competed in was that of creating a potential energy vehicle model, powered by the gravity of a dropping weight with a travel goal of ten meters. The models were tested at the Pearson Air Museum where freshman Rikko Otero took second place in the design category. His model was crafted of a lightweight wood with more pressure on the front end.
Freshman Elena Paliy took first for her engineering notebook accompanying the design. The students had the opportunity to study the historic planes in the museum and take many notes throughout the day.
The Evergreen School District’s determination to improve our students’ experiences both in and outside of the classroom and apply their knowledge to tasks in the field allows the students a higher quality of learning and motivation throughout their high school careers.

Holocaust Survivor

Holocaust survivor Alter Weiner spoke to World History classes on May 17.
By Anna Tomlinson
News Editor

Alter Wiener’s presentation of his experience through the Holocaust was both emotional and touching. Students currently taking World History or Sophomore English were in attendance for this once-in-a-lifetime assembly.
Wiener travels all over Washington and Oregon sharing his story, which is also told in his book, “From A Name To A Number”. Wiener’s accounts touched each student in attendance, whose eyes were filled with tears.
Being unable to complete his schooling during his youth, Wiener wished the students luck, and to promise him to stay in school and work hard.
Though his journey was rough, Wiener looks at his life as a learning experience for others. “I am here to share my story so that you can learn from my suffering,” said Wiener.
History teacher Miss. Harris met Mr. Wiener a few years ago. She said, “I was surprised by how much the students wanted him to come”.
His personality radiant and airy, one would never guess his heartbreak. But regardless of how he carries himself, Wiener does not feel as everyone else does, and said, “I am not a normal person, but I pretend to be”.

Did you Donate

Senior Dustin Honeycutt

By: Amanda Holloway
Business/Ad Manager

On May 3rd Heritage High School held a blood drive by the American Red Cross. This wasn’t just any school blood drive; this was someone’s senior project. Senior Hunter Armstrong was in charge of the project.
190 students signed up to donate blood, but only 120 went through with it. Armstrong said that this was the goal this year was to reach 120 people donating.
The reason why Armstrong chose this project is because all the hospitals in the Clark County have a shortage of blood. In other words, there is a high demand for blood.
“The blood drive went very well, this was a student-lead process not with an adviser” says Armstrong. So the success was all through students, not just advisors. This was a good project and was very successful in the end.

LAST BREATH – Gennadiy Boligar

Ever dive too deeply into a pool, lake or a river and struggle to get to the surface to get more air?
Ever hit the water and get that shock of cold and lose your breath in a big burst?

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Some of the most interesting things that happen occur in split seconds.
These photos are all about capturing those moments that could never exactly be duplicated.

FRAME OF MIND – Christina Wallace

To view the mundane in a state of awe, one has to be in the right frame of mind. The world is full of simple hidden beauty just waiting to be noticed. Art is not always something that one makes, but what one makes of something that was already there.
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