DEAR ALEX by Victoria Bauer

WAlk Away

Dear Alex,

He cheated on me, three blindly happy years together and he cheated. I’m torn apart from the inside out and at a loss for words, came to you for help. I simply don’t know what to do, to try or not to try? I love him, I probably always will. But knowing he was embraced by someone else. A rage of lust is different than a tsunami of emotions.

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COUNTDOWN by Camper Ruybal

10 12 macro

Twelve days until graduation. Most of us have never felt so much pressure in our entire high school career then in this exact moment. The days seem to be clicking by like the dreaded seconds on an obnoxiously loud analog clock in an uncomfortable receptionist’s office. The drumming of pencils on desks as people sit staring at their fictional great wall of writers block while their minds wander off thinking about other things.

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