SCARY MOVIES -the top ten-

October is the month to sit back and watch a spooky movie
with couple of friends. Zombies, ghosts, monsters and villains
are all the main focus of these movies.
This list is a mixture of mine and a few students’ most popular
scary movies. The scary list features ghostly movies, remakes, and
an original blood bath.
1. Paranormal Activity series
2. Jeepers Creepers
3. House on Haunted Hill
4. Halloween Series
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
6. IT
7. The Exorcism of Emily Rose
8. Don’t Be afraid of the Dark
9. The Omen
10. Sleepy Hollow

-Written by Erin Michel


“One day, as I was crouched with my camera in hand over Spilled Soda on the Sidewalk Smiley (right), a man came along and asked, ‘What in the world are you talking a picture of?’
I showed him the Smiley.
He smiled.
I smiled.
He went on his way.
About two minutes later, he came running back in my direction.
‘Quick!  Bring your camera! I found one.’
-Ruth Kaiser

Thus the Spontaneous Smiley Project was created.
Over the past years, HHS students have donated hundreds of dollars to charity…just by seeing all sorts of stuff smiling at us.

Emmert’s Photo 1 class added more this year!
[zenphotopress album=9 sort=random number=88]