CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD: Shiann Roark & Amy Spanos

HHS Photography Student Shiann Roark was right in the middle of her Famous Photograph assignment in Digital Photography when she came across the work of photographer Amy Spanos. The result of this emulation was seven photos copying every aspect of Spanos’s original work.

Spanos’s photos are on the left and Roark’s emulations are on the right.

Roark exchanged a series of emails with Amy Spanos, who graciously gave her permission to use the original photos side by side with Roark’s emulations.

Bonus: Check out HOWL’s interview with Roark about the process of emulating the work of a famous photographer.

“I always liked the idea of ‘creating your
own world’. The idea of showing people
how you see the world always seemed
appealing.” – Amy Spanos