HHS brings home ELEVEN PHOTO awards!
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Congratulations to:
Evergreen Awards ::: Elizabeth Vuziy | Ashley Davis

Honorable Mention ::: Miranda Cabral | Elliot Taylor | Sierra Lewis | Jacqueline Del Angel | Dmitry Ivanchuk

Creative Awards ::: Dylan Smith | Katherine Bacon-Vickrey | Rebecca Aguayo | Amanda Mar

LAST BREATH – Gennadiy Boligar

Ever dive too deeply into a pool, lake or a river and struggle to get to the surface to get more air?
Ever hit the water and get that shock of cold and lose your breath in a big burst?

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Some of the most interesting things that happen occur in split seconds.
These photos are all about capturing those moments that could never exactly be duplicated.

FRAME OF MIND – Christina Wallace

To view the mundane in a state of awe, one has to be in the right frame of mind. The world is full of simple hidden beauty just waiting to be noticed. Art is not always something that one makes, but what one makes of something that was already there.
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IN YOUR BACKYARD – Joshua Trottier

“In Your Backyard” is the visual exploration of how people deal with problems that arise in their life through the use of still life and landscape photography. This neighborhood is perfect on the surface, while right in the backyard they have this overrun forest filled with debris and litter. There are those of us that sweep things under the rug…everything is OK on the surface of day to day life; yet, underneath the surface there is a growing pile of problems slowly accumulating. My hope was that through this series viewers can reflect on themselves and think about what type of things they’re allowing to reside in their space.

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A photographic series by AP Photo student Joshua Trottier

ONE DAY – Derek Julian

Eyes can really say a lot about a person. In my “One Day” series I focus on the eyes to show the lies this girl is holding deep inside- something out of this world. These images are documenting her life as she mimics the things that any other normal person does. She covers her face in makeup just like a normal teenager, but it’s for completely different reasons…
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A photographic series by 2010 AP Photo student Derek Julian

IN THE CLOUDS – Dylan Smith

To have your “Head in the Clouds” is to take reality apart, and then put it back together in whichever way you want…basically, turning it into a dream. I realized that a dream wasn’t something that could just simply be photographed. Instead, I needed to find a way to blur the line between reality and imaginations. I want the audience to get lost in each photo, to feel as if they are there, suspended, holding their breath as time slows down around them; to allow themselves to take a moment and put their own head in the clouds.

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A photographic series by AP Photo student Dylan Smith